- 圆柱 column
- 透视 perspective; perspectivity h ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 平圆柱透镜 plano cylindrical lens
- 双圆柱透镜 bicylindrical lens
- 圆柱透镜 cyl cylindrical lens
- 透视的 clairvoyant; perspective; phantom
- 交叉圆柱透镜 crossed cylinders
- 静电圆柱透镜 electrostatic cylinder lens
- x线透视的 fluoroscopical
- 二重透视的 doubly perspective
- 荧光镜的 x线透视的 fluoroscopic
- 透视的冠心病护理床 fluoroscopic coronary care bed
- 透视 1.(在平面上表现立体的方法) perspective; perspectivity2.[医学] have an x-ray examination; be x-rayed; fluoroscopy; roentgenoscopy 透视肺部 have one's chest x-rayed3.(看到事物的本质) grasp the essence; 透视画 diorama; 透视画法 perspective; 透视几何 perspective geometry; 透视镜 photoscope; 透视图 scenograph; orthodiagram; perspective drawing; perspective view
- 球柱透镜的 spherocylindrical
- 正球柱透镜 plus sphero-cylinder
- 圆柱 circular column; cylinder 白色大理石圆柱 white marble column
- 蔑视的,轻视的 disparaging
- 暗视的 scotopic
- 超视的 ultravisible
- 垂视的 downcast
- 粗视的 macroscopic; megascopic
- 电视的 television(tv); televisionary; video (l02)
- 俯视的 birds eye
- 忽视的 21) negligent; disregardful; ignorant; slighting