- inherent addre ing
- inherent addressing
- 固有 intrinsic; inherent; inheren ...
- 固有寻址;本质寻址 addressing, inherent
- 寻址 addre ing; adsel address selective; sub
- 只有寻梦去 all i h**e to do is dream; all i have to do is dream
- 固有 intrinsic; inherent; inherence; innate 资本主义制度固有的矛盾 the contradictions inherent in the capitalist system; 人的正确思想不是自己头脑中固有的。 correct ideas are not innate in the mind
- 固有膜, 固有层 tunicae propria
- 固有膜,固有层 proper tunic; tunica propria
- 表寻址 table addressing
- 地址,寻址 add address; adds address
- 段寻址 segment addressing
- 光寻址 optical address
- 可寻址 baf b addressable ff
- 空寻址 blank addressing
- 位寻址 bit addre ing; bit addressing
- 寻址,编址 addressing
- 寻址级 addressing level
- 隐寻址 one-ahead addressing; oneahead addressingg
- 再寻址 readdressing
- 子寻址 sub-addressing
- 自寻址 self-routing
- 固有波 natural wave; original wave
- 固有层 lamina propria mucosae; proper coat; proper layer; tunica propria
- 固有场 proper field
- 固有得 intri ic call; intrinsic call
- 固有的 appropriate; connatural; genuine; immanent; implicit; indigenous; ingrain; inherently; internal; intrinsic; inherent; native; organic; original; own; proper; proprius; resident; specific