固执己见 stubborn; adhere to one's opinion; abide by one's opinion; adhere stubbornly to one's own ideas; stick to one's own view; cling obstinately to one's own opinions; hold to one's opinion; have a will of one's own; opinionated; persist in one's views; stand by one's opinion; sit tight; stubbornly persist in one's opinions; wedded to one's own ideas [opinion(s)]
"it is a woman whom i dislike very much", said the major doggedly . 市长固执地说到:“我很讨厌这个女人”。
Carrie pondered over this situation as consistently as hurstwood . 嘉莉就象赫斯渥一般固执地考虑着眼前的局面。
"why didn't mamma speak to me about him?" persevered the child . “可为什么妈妈没跟我说起他来呢?”这孩子固执地问下去。
He remembered mr. perrichon's dogged and undiscouraged attachment to the young man whom he had pulled out of the glacier . 他还记得佩里松先生固执地、不气馁地与他从冰河里拉出来的年轻人保持友爱。
It has always been a mystery to me why city dwellers, who appreciate all these things, obstinately pretend that they would prefer to live in the country . 城市居民明明赞赏这一切,可是他们为什么偏要固执地假装自己宁愿住在乡间,这对我来说一直是个解不开的谜。
She was adamant in refusing to comply with his wishes 她固执地拒绝按他的意愿办。
She is adamant in refuse to comply with his wish 她固执地拒绝按他的意愿办。
He is still persisting with his opinions 他仍然固执地坚持他的意见。