- 困顿 tired out; exhausted; fatigu ...
- 不堪 can't bear; can't stand; be ...
- 困顿 1.(劳累不能支持) tired out; exhausted; fatigued; weary; worn-out2.(生活艰难窘迫) in financial straits; poverty-stricken; hard up; in straitened circumstances
- 不堪 1.(承受不了) can't bear; can't stand; be too deplorable to; unendurable; unbearable; can't endure 不堪其苦 can't bear the hardship; 不堪坐食 can't bear to sit and eat2.(表示程度深) utterly; extremely 穿得破烂不堪 be dressed in rags; 狼狈不堪 be in a sorry plight; 疲惫不堪 extremely tired; exhausted; 贫困不堪 extremely poor
- 困顿的 sorry
- 劳顿不休 restless like ulysses
- 踏步, 停顿不前 mark time
- 停顿不前 at a dead end
- 长途困顿 plod one's weary way
- 处境困顿 indifficulty
- 颠连困顿 helplessly dependent and exhausted peak upon peak
- 劳累困顿 fatigure and weary
- 潦倒困顿 in deep water; penniless and frustrated; down and out
- 战胜(困顿等) overcome
- 不体面的;困顿的 sorry
- 卑鄙不堪 be contemptible for one's meanness
- 惫倦不堪 unbearably fatigued
- 不堪佃田 fukandenden
- 不堪航海的 unseaworthy
- 不堪回首 cannot bear to think of the past [to look back on]; find it unbearable to recall; how sad indeed to look back upon these things.; it's sad to look back on those old days when ...; it's too sad to look back.; too sad to reflect (on the past)
- 不堪其苦 can't bear the hardship
- 不堪忍受 unbearable
- 不堪忍受的 unbearable
- 不堪忍受地 unbearably
- 不堪容忍 be intolerable [unbearable]; not to be tolerated 对于她来说, 生活变得不堪容忍。 life has become unbearable to her