

  • afforestation



  • 例句与用法
  • On the problems of gardens in residential areas
  • Design method of garden residential area
  • Under this precondition , this paper put forward various viewing mode by selecting diverse plants and arranging plants scientifically and reasonably . 4
  • The construction style in oxbridge college takes on a kind of academy of classical learning , keeping “ ecotype environment , landscaping with ornamental plants , as well as information campus ” as the layout concept
  • The third part of the article , on the second part of the theories foundation analysis , tallys up the method ' s three important points of the design : multi - points of view to design , multi - ristricts adapt to changes , multi - directions to establish
  • The company has factory area of more than 20 acre and construction area of 10000 m2 , has fixed assets of 18 million yuan ; introduced italy cutter , painter , and milling machine in addition to 140 sets of equipments made in china
  • The second part of the article makes use of the ecology theories , sense of vision theories and the environment psychology theories , joining together the characteristic research of the mountainous city and mountainous city road , tallys up the science theories to guide the design
  • That mountainous city road is the public exhibition of a mountainous country city , affecting the whole image of the city , but the necessery gardenlization streets sight design is a means to increase city image . however , city that front with several design how to beautify the sport for the characteristic with the estheticism , to mountainous city , the road ' s gardenlization streets sight design results in ecology problem , and more roads are not widespread thought of
  • It also explains the points of the different styles of the mountainous city roads . this thesis wants to investigate the design theories and methods that exercisable and universal fit to the mountainous city road gardenlization streets sight design , in order to provide the referrence to beautify the mountainous city road .
  • Third , we are directed by the factors which affect the development of our city square . the degree ' s dissertation analyzes the tendency of our modern city square development emphatically and bring up the sense of " regional ism and landscape " to the northwest city square development especially . finally , through the practice and the analysis of specimen , we dissert the design of city square in northwest region by using some kinds of theories , such as culture , aesthetics , city planning , urban design etc . this part including the building of square design system , the material environment of square design and the culture environment of square design
    为此,本文首先从广场与城市空间的关系出发,指出广场是一种积极的城市空间;然后回顾了中、西方城市广场空间形态的演变过程,并通过对比,探讨其发展的规律和趋势,指出城市广场是一定历史时期,一定经济、社会、自然条件的产物;再以当今影响我国城市广场发展的因素作引导,着重分析了我国现代城市广场的发展趋势,特别提出了“地域化” 、 “园林化”对于西北地区城市广场发展方向的意义;最后通过设计实践和实例分析,运用文化学、美学、生态学、城市学、城市设计等理论,论述在西北地域环境中的城市广场设计。
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