Halve or quarter thick parts lengthwise ( so pieces will be similar in size ) ; cut both parts diagonally into 3 / 4 - inch pieces 把厚的部分切成两瓣或者四瓣,纵向切(以便每瓣大小均匀) ;再把所有的部分都斜切成3 / 4英寸的片。
Another trademark is a clover with the word " suma . " this is the logo for the ethereal and peerless art works of supreme master ching hai , including her paintings and longevity lamps 另一商标以suma字样加上四瓣酢浆草,是师父灵美的画作与无双的万岁灯等艺术品之标志。
The cathedral and churches of echmiatsin and the archaeological remains at zvartnots graphically illustrate the evolution and development of the armenian central - domed cross - hall type of church , which exerted a profound influence on architectural and artistic development in the region 亚美尼亚埃奇米河津教堂与兹瓦尔特诺茨考古遗址体现了亚美尼亚圆顶四瓣形教堂的发展演变过程,它对该地区的建筑和艺术发展都产生了深远的影响。
Usually , a clover has three leaves , but according to legend , one who finds a four - leaf clover is the luckiest person on earth and one who possesses this lucky charm is ever successful . therefore , people who buy items bearing this mark will be the lucky ones as they will possess this lucky logo bestowed by god and enjoy the supreme blessings and fortunes that come with it 传说中酢浆草通常是三瓣,能寻找到四瓣者是世界上的幸运儿,带着这幸运草则无往不利,藉此象徵请购出版品的人都将成为生命的幸运儿,带着上帝赐福的幸运草图腾,享受无上的加持与无上的幸运。