- 囊 bag; pocket; sack; purse
- 网 net
- 入口 enter the mouth
- 进入……之入口 the entrance to
- 囊网 bag; cod end; cood end; purse; keed; pocket
- 宫之入 miyanoiri
- 囊网, 拖网 cod end
- 气囊网 net; gas-cell
- 恨之入骨 hate someone to the core [marrow]; cherish bitter hatred; consumed with hatred for ...; harbour an intense [bitter] hatred (for sb.); hate ... like anything; hate ... like poison; hate sb. to the marrow of one's bones; hate with all one's soul; have a deep-seated hatred (for sb.); (his) hatred goes to (his) marrow.; hatred has penetrated the bones.; hatred is so bitter that ..
- 漏网之灵 dreamcatcher
- 漏网之鱼 (as) fish escaping from the net; (as) a fish escaped through the seine; the fish that escaped the net; frightened fish that narrowly escaped the dragnet; a fish out of the net; escape unpunished; fugitive; runaway
- 纱织-织网之靴 silkweave-mesh boots
- 织网之靴 rare mesh boots; set mesh boots; xmb
- 入口 1.(进入嘴中) enter the mouth 难于入口 have a nasty taste; 不可入口 ! not to be taken orally!2.(进入的门或口儿; 输入) entrance; entry; inlet; introitus; aditus; throat; threshold 车站入口处 entrance to the station; 入口程序 entry program; 入口导堤 entrance jetty; 入口界灯 threshold lights; 入口孔 ingate; 入口数据 entry data; 入口庭院 vestibule; 入口压力 inlet pressure; 入口指令 entry instruction
- 捕鱼部;囊网部 bunt
- 缚囊网绳索 cod-end rope
- 囊网;捕鱼部 fish bag
- 囊网底纲 cod end line
- 囊网隔纲 double becket
- 囊网隔网 double bag pocket
- 囊网环纲 cod end becket
- 囊网口力纲 bosom line
- 囊网绳环 single bag becket
- 囊网束纲 splitting strop
- 囊网引扬纲 bullrope; poke line