- 喷 time on the market; in seaso ...
- 湿 wet; damp; humid
- 试剂 reagent; agentia; analoids
- 湿试剂 wet test meter
- 喷湿 dabble; dado; spray wet
- 湿试法 wet test; wettest
- 湿试金 wet assay
- 湿试样 wet sample
- 试剂 [化学] reagent; agentia; analoids◇试剂厂 chemical reagent works
- 干喷湿纺法 dry-jet wet spinning
- 喷湿砂清洗 liquid abrasion cleaning
- 喷湿砂洗模 wet blast mold cleaning; wetblastmoldcleaning
- 潮湿试验 moisture test
- 干湿试验 wet-and-dry test; wet-dry test; wetting and drying test; wetting-and-drying test
- 恒湿试验 constant moisture test
- 恒湿试样 equilibrium moisture sample
- 耐湿试验 humidity test
- 润湿试验法 wet testing
- 渗湿试验 moisture penetration test
- 湿试仪表 wet-test meter
- 透湿试验 moisture test
- 吸湿试验 fuchsintest; moisture absorption test
- 干喷湿法纺丝 dry jet wet spinning
- 自动喷湿系统 autojetwet
- 恒温恒湿试验 steady temperature damp test