- 喉 larynx; throat; gullet
- 型 mould; model
- 伤寒 exogenous febrile disease; a ...
- 暴发型伤寒 foudroyant fever typhoid; foudroyant typhid fever; foudroyant typhoid fever
- 肠外型伤寒 abenteric fever typhoid; abenteric typhoid fever
- 顿挫型伤寒 abortive fever typhoid; abortive typhoid fever
- 肺型伤寒 pneumotyphoid
- 风湿型伤寒 arthrotyphoid
- 结肠型伤寒 colotyphoid
- 剧汗型伤寒 sudoral typhoid
- 脾型伤寒 splenotyphoid
- 轻型伤寒 typhoidette
- 肾型伤寒 nephrotyphoid
- 逍遥型伤寒 ambulatory fever typhoid; ambulatory typhoid fever
- 脑膜炎型伤寒 meningotyphoid
- 逍遥型伤寒病 wandering type of typhoid fever
- v型伤寒杆菌噬菌体, 噬菌体q151 pnagus indicens
- 伤寒 [医学] exogenous febrile disease; affection by cold; attack of cold; typhia; typhoid fever; ileotyphus; enterotyphus; typhoid; typh-; typho-◇伤寒肺炎 typhopneumonia; 伤寒杆菌 typhoid bacillus; 伤寒菌毒素 typhotoxin; 伤寒菌苗 [免疫学] typhoid vaccine; 伤寒菌苗接种 typhoid vaccination; 伤寒科 speciality of exogenous febrile disease; 伤寒类热病 typh; 伤寒玛丽 typhoid mary; 伤寒明理论 concise exposition on febrile disease; 伤寒杂病论 treatise on febrile and miscellaneous diseases; 伤寒状态 typhosis
- 喉型呼吸困难 laryngotyphoid
- 气喉型呼吸器具 air line breathing apparatus
- 模型伤痕缺陷 defective of mold misalignment; defective of mould misalignment
- 伤寒-副伤寒 typhoid-paratyphoid
- 肠伤寒 abdominal typhus; ileotyphus; typhoid fever of intestine
- 大伤寒 acute exogenous febrile disease
- 粪热, 伤寒 night-soil fever