Dance of morning breeze composed by ding shande adapted by tang kangnian 晓风之舞作曲:丁善德改编:唐康年
In 1973 , ms . mok joined the buddhist sin tak college as its founding principal until her retirement in 1988 她于一九七三年出任佛教善德英文中学创校校长,至一九八八年荣休。
" now , because of the wasting away of that money - lending householder ' s old merit and his non - accumulation of new merit , he is today boiling in the great roruva hell . "如今,由于那放贷家主白白浪费了他过去善德的福报,而且他这一世又没有累积新的善德,因此他往生后现在正在大叫唤地狱受热汤沸煮之苦。
Barbara fei , the advisor to the production , began her music studies on the piano with professor ding shande . in 1950 , she came to hong kong for vocal lessons with professor chao mei - pa , and she went to france to refine her art in 1956 瑶姬传奇的顾问为费明仪,她早年习琴,启蒙老师为丁善德教授,稍后进入南京国立音乐学院,随易开基教授主修钢琴。
Barbara fei , the advisor to the production , began her music studies on the piano with professor ding shande . in 1950 , she came to hong kong for vocal lessons with professor chao mei - pa , and she went to france to refine her art in 1956 《瑶姬传奇》的顾问为费明仪,她早年习琴,启蒙老师为丁善德教授,稍后进入南京国立音乐学院,随易开基教授主修钢琴。
It is because the first two , when they saved the sight of others , brought forth a worldly blessing only ; the happiness had to do with the fleshly eye and material existence . but those who allow others to become monks or themselves become monks by aiding each other will gradually , in the end , attain the eye of supreme wisdom , and the self - nature of this wisdom eye will never be destroyed even until the end of the world . through the blessing of his virtue , men and gods will rejoice in inexhaustible possessions and in the end will attain the bliss of enlightenment 那是因为前二者挽救了别人的视力,只带来现世的福报,只给他们带来肉眼在这一世所能享有的快乐而已,而那些允许他人出家或彼此相助,自己出家的人,最终将得到无上智慧之眼,此智慧眼之自性直至世界末日也永不毁灭,由于他的功德加持,人天都可共享这永无止尽的财产,最后并将得到开悟之喜悦,因为出家法喜可以打破魔王的幻相,而使佛脉绵延永续,可以破除不善邪法,带来善法,可以消灭不净,带来善德大业。