

音标:[ shàndé ]   发音:
  • virtues



  • 例句与用法
  • May the strength of virtue increase
  • Dance of morning breeze composed by ding shande adapted by tang kangnian
  • In 1973 , ms . mok joined the buddhist sin tak college as its founding principal until her retirement in 1988
  • " now , because of the wasting away of that money - lending householder ' s old merit and his non - accumulation of new merit , he is today boiling in the great roruva hell .
  • Barbara fei , the advisor to the production , began her music studies on the piano with professor ding shande . in 1950 , she came to hong kong for vocal lessons with professor chao mei - pa , and she went to france to refine her art in 1956
  • Barbara fei , the advisor to the production , began her music studies on the piano with professor ding shande . in 1950 , she came to hong kong for vocal lessons with professor chao mei - pa , and she went to france to refine her art in 1956
  • It is because the first two , when they saved the sight of others , brought forth a worldly blessing only ; the happiness had to do with the fleshly eye and material existence . but those who allow others to become monks or themselves become monks by aiding each other will gradually , in the end , attain the eye of supreme wisdom , and the self - nature of this wisdom eye will never be destroyed even until the end of the world . through the blessing of his virtue , men and gods will rejoice in inexhaustible possessions and in the end will attain the bliss of enlightenment
  • 其他语种释义
  • 善德的俄语:pinyin:shàndé стар. высшая добродетель
  • 推荐英语阅读
善德的英文翻译,善德英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译善德,善德的英文意思,善德的英文善德 meaning in English善德的英文善德怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
