Whenever you're trying to promote a brand name, your first task is to make clear where the brand is available . 每当你要宣传一个商标名称时,你的首要任务是说清楚哪里会看到这个商标。
Every brand name and trademark has a separate patent 所有商标和商标名称均享有专利。
Properties of names of commodities and the translation of trademarks 商品名称的特征与商标名称的翻译
It is the brand name of a tape 它是一种带子的商标名称。
A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber 奥纶一种聚丙烯酸纤维或该种纤维制成的纱线的商标名称
A trademark used for a silver - protein compound employed as a local antiseptic 弱蛋白银商标名称,作局部消毒用于蛋白银化合物
Cost to private label the dialer with your brand name and logo is $ 250 一个标有你们的商标名称和产品标识的拨号器价格是250美元。
The letter , she said , threatened legal action for using the comany ' s trademark name 她说这封信威胁到了由使用该公司商标名称引起的诉讼。
If there is not such a web site , then try out brand names associated with your search 如果没有这样的网站,那么试试键入与主题相关的商标名称。
Brand equity was defined as the brand assets linked to a brand ' s name and symbol that add to a product or service 品牌资产可以定义为品牌专有的商标名称其及独特之象徵加值于企业的产品或服务之上。