It is the last in the electric enterprise ' s production and management that the electric rate of electric consumption is managed , at the same time it is a key system of electric marketing " pmmis " too , its main task is products of electric enterprise once - - the electric energy is sold to all kinds of electric customers , and according to the principle of the equal value exchange of the goods , copy it back to electric consumption from customer , and calculate , issue , regain the electric rate , carry on statistical analysis finally 电量电费管理是电力企业生产经营的最后一环,同时也是电力营销pmmis的核心子系统,其主要工作任务是把电力企业的产品? ?电能销售给各类电力客户,并按照商品等价交换的原则,从客户处抄回电量,并进行计算、发行、收回电费,最后进行统计分析。