- conditional duty free importation
- 商品 commodity; goods; merchandis ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 有条件 conditional
- 免税进口 duty-free importation; free ...
- 有条件的免税进口 conditionally duty-free importation; conditionallyduty-freeimportation
- 有条件免税制度 conditional relief system
- 条件的免税进口 conditioned duty free importation
- 免税进口 duty-free importation; free import; admission temporaise◇免税进口货 free imports; 免税进口货单 free list; 免税进口货物 duty-exempted [duty-free] imported goods
- 免税进口货 tax free imports; tax-free imports
- 免税进口品 duty-free imports
- 临时免税进口 admission temporaire
- 免税进口货单 free list
- 免税进口货物 tax-exempt import; tax-free import
- 免税进口申报 free entry
- 暂时免税进口 temporary free importation
- 海关临时免税进口 customs temporary admission
- 免税进口申报单 free entry
- 进口商品的再出口 reexports of imported goods
- 免税进单 duty free importation; free import
- 应税进口 dutiable imports
- 应税进口品 dutiable imports
- 免税进入市场 duty-free access to the market
- 进口商品的产地标记 mark of origin
- 有条件 conditional◇有条件背书 conditional endorsement; 有条件贷款 conditional loan; 有条件定货 conditional order; 有条件付款项 bill and accounts payable with terms; 有条件交货 conditional delivery; 有条件收款项 bill and accounts receivable with terms; 有条件销售合同 conditional sales contract
- 减税进口货物 duty reduced imported goods