Advice for parents , advice for children , school projects and legal advice -为国际学生开设商业计算程文秘英文等课程
With the delivery of the initial implementations of ogsi , ogsa is getting ready to accelerate its entry into mainstream commercial computing environments 随着最初的ogsi实现的交付, ogsa正准备加速进入主流商业计算环境。
Today , the convergence of commercial and scientific computing has created a need for a single processor to address both markets 现在,商业计算和科学计算的聚合对处理器的设计提出了一个要求:在一个处理器上解决两方面的市场需求。
Together with popular idol gillian chung , the commercial calculation is without doubt very precise . however , for some reasons , these people just fail to give out their best in this movie 陈小春锺欣桐等又不乏拥趸加上久休复出的余安安整个卡士有一定的叫座力王晶的商业计算颇为准确。
Certainly , it cannot be considered a miracle , as the quality of this movie is not that low actually . nevertheless , if you talk about new elements or sincerity , it is definitely not as enlightening as the way home 当然,这不能说是一个奇迹,始终此片的水准不算低,商业计算也非常准确,但论新意以至制作诚意,却明显不及同年的一些电影如《爱回家》及《复仇》等。
Certainly , it cannot be considered a miracle , as the quality of this movie is not that low actually . nevertheless , if you talk about new elements or sincerity , it is definitely not as enlightening as the way home 当然,这不能说是一个奇迹,始终此片的水准不算低,商业计算也非常准确,但论新意以至制作诚意,却明显不及同年的一些电影如《爱回家》及《复仇》等。
Secondly , with commercial cfd code - fluent , three dimensions turbulence flow fields of fixed - valve trays with single valve and double valves were computeed by means of rng k - e turbulence model in the system of lagrange 同时,采用商业计算流体力学软件fluent软件包对固定阀进行几何建模和网格划分,采用rng -湍流模型,计算了固定阀单阀和双阀塔板的二维和三维流场。