The bill market is an essential part of the currency market , including the commercial bill market and the bank ' s acceptance of bill market 票据市场是货币市场的重要组成部分,包括商业票据市场和银行承兑汇票市场。
Interbank lending rates , though still unusually high , are edging down , and the asset - backed commercial paper market ticked up on january 3rd after falling for 20 straight weeks 银行间贷款利率虽仍旧奇高但有略微降低,资产性商业票据市场在连续经历了20周下跌后于元月三日有了起色。
There is a whiff of self - rescue about the enterprise , especially with regard to citigroup , which is more exposed to the asset - backed commercial - paper market than any other bank ( see chart ) 这里颇有些企业自救的意味,特别是对花旗而言,它比其他任何银行都更深地涉足于资产担保的商业票据市场(如图) 。
In our paper market , the existence of financing paper reflects the objective demand of the market from one side . according to the principle of economics , under the condition of market economy , provided there is demand , there must be corresponding means to meet these demand 在审视现有的制度规则基础上,适度地放开融资性的商业票据,以制度创新推动和规范市场创新,培育我国的商业票据市场,使其在我国货币市场中发挥应有的重要作用。