In these crises a great part not only of the existing products , but also of the previously created productive forces , are periodically destroyed 在商业危机期间,总是不仅有很大一部分制成的产品被毁灭掉,而且有很大一部分已经造成的生产力被毁灭掉。
The " thrilling bound " theory of marx is the start - point of the research . then the exchanging theory including value theory , competing theory , commercial crisis theory and currency theory , the price theory and economy crisis theory of his point out the direction of the research and provide the basis 马克思“惊险一跃”理论是营销失败提出的出发点,马克思的流通理论(包括交换价值理论、竞争理论、商业危机理论、货币安全理论) 、马克思的价格理论、马克思经济危机理论为营销失败的研究指出了方向,提供了依据。