

  • commercial medical insurance



  • 例句与用法
  • Discussion on the complementary action of commercial medical insurance to social medical insurance
  • The social healthcare in germany has enjoyed a reputation of fairness , efficiency and high quality of services
  • Why highest should the medical treatment fee that pays limitation above pass commercial medical treatment to be sure to wait for a way to solve
  • British will ask themselves if they want just private medical insurance , or also critical illness cover and income protection should they fall ill for an extended time
  • Based on the analysis above , the thesis builds some models and puts forward a conception about the mechanism of the moral hazard control from two sides
  • Commercial medical treatment is sure unlike social medical treatment , it is to be bought of one ' s own accord , and submit an expense account unlike what social medical treatment is sure property , it has compensation function
  • The beginning of our commercial medical insurance is late , the basic data is few and the professional research is weak . all the reasons make the calculation and application of the new medical insurance is very difficult
  • If do not build commercial medical treatment to be sure to wait for complement , as a whole of fund highest pay limitation to will decide hard , because do not have other spending channel , also meet , in actual in implementation seals a top forcedly and turn into hard soft seal a top
  • The specific tactics above are the reflection of this ideology . at last , the thesis fully considers the particularities of commercial medical insurance and analyses their relationships between the specialized management and the controls of moral hazard through constructing the specialized management system . it detailed expounds how to control the moral hazard of commercial medical insurance
  • The healthy check - up of special aim , it is the check - up that shows a few specific requirements have worker ground , if the worker is in to apply for a job , deal with the formalities going abroad , check - up that in buying commercial medical treatment to be sure to wait for an activity , undertakes by the requirement , the cost of these check - up is average by individual responsibility
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
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