冒险 1.(不顾危险) take a risk; take chances (of); risk; adventure; run a risk; at the risk of; venture; venture on [upon]; brave 拿健康冒险 risk one's health; 军事冒险 military adventure; 不要冒险去做某事 not run risks to do sth.; 冒险打一仗 risk a battle; 戴上安全帽再下去, 不要冒险。 wear your safety helmet when you go down. don't take any chances; 挑上这么个暴风雨的天气出航, 你恐怕太冒险了吧! i'm afraid you're running a risk setting sail in such stormy weather.2.[计算机] hazard; 冒险变换 hazardous transition; 冒险家 adventurer; 冒险借款 respondentia; 冒险消除 hazard elimination; 冒险政策 adventurist policy
D you will smile upon this new business venture 你会向这个从今天开始的商业冒险微笑
We really took a bath in that venture 那次商业冒险中,我们实在损失惨重。
A financial speculation or business venture 投机活动金融投机或商业冒险
Junk bonds : a fin 一种有前景的商业冒险金融工具
This ignorance provides ideal terrain for every sort of unscrupulous commercial venture 这种无知是无耻的商业冒险者的温床。
Conservatives have long celebrated mr murdoch as a kindred spirit and business buccaneer 长期以来,保守人士一直称赞默多克先生为同道中人和商业冒险家。
They understand liverpool ' s soul . do not stay away from liverpool , like the dreadful glazers do from manchester united . enjoy your new venture 他们懂得利物浦的灵魂。不要远离利物浦,就像该死的格雷泽兄弟那样远离曼联一样。享受你的商业冒险吧。
Citigroup will today commit to providing $ 50bn to environmental projects over the next decade in wall street ' s boldest statement of the business risks and opportunities presented by climate change 今日,花期集团在华尔街最大胆的关于气候变化出现的商业冒险和机遇中申明,将在下一个10年里安排投入500亿美金到环境保护的项目中
During the first half of the eighteenth century , in the old age of newton and the decline of the royal society , england basked in a last indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventures 18世纪上半期,也就是牛顿的晚年,皇家学会逐渐衰败的年代,英国仍享受着农村经济和商业冒险家从事的海外贸易带来的最后欢娱。