- 唯 yea
- 钱 copper coin; cash
- 是 Semantics
- 图 picture; chart; drawing; map
- 唯钱是图地 venally
- 是图标广告 logo
- 唯利是图 seek nothing but profits; be bent solely on profit [profit-making]; be blind to all but one's own interest; be intent on nothing but profit; be interested only in personal gain; be self-seeking; care only for money; care solely for profit; have an eye to the main chance; plan only how to get money; profits-before-everything; pursue profit as one's only aim; put profit-making first; scheme after nothing but gain; stop at nothing to gain profit; turn everything to one's advantage; work exclusively for profit; work solely for personal gain 他这个人一贯都是唯利是图, 我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。 he's always on the make, i have never known him do a disinterested action
- 唯利是图的 gainful; mercenary
- 唯利是图地 venally
- 惟利是图 be bent solely on profit; be intent on nothing but profit; interested only in material gain; profit-grabbing; put profit-making first; try to turn everything to one's own advantage; with the profit motive paramount; work exclusively for profit
- 钱是在小生 the money is in the niche...:
- 还钱是心虚的 but when to return is another problem / reluctant paying back is
- 借钱是气壮的 it is reasonable to borrow from others / proud borrowing is
- 金钱是个谎言 rich deceiver
- 金钱是万能的 money answers all things
- 钱是万恶之源 money is the root of all evil
- 唯利是图的,为钱的 mercenary a
- 唯利是图的低级 ambulance chaser
- 唯利是图的微生物 a mercenary microbe
- 惟利是图的商人 money-oriented salespeople
- 金钱是好的仆役 money is a good servant but a bad master
- 金钱是可怕的主人 money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.-barnum
- 金钱是善仆,也是恶主 money is a good servant and a bad master.francis bacon
- 金钱是万恶之源 money is the root of all evil
- 金钱是幸福之本 can money