出路 1.(通向外面或向前发展的道路) way out; outlet 找出路 find a way out; 河道淤塞, 水无出路。 the riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater. 农业的根本出路在于机械化。 the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.2.(销售货物的去处) outlet 他们必须为自己的产品寻找出路。 they must find outlets for their products.3.(出口) egress
唯一 only; sole; unique 唯一可行的办法 the only feasible way; 唯一出路 the only way out; 唯一的理由 the sole reason; 唯一的继承人 the sole heir; 唯一合法政府 sole legitimate government; 唯一宗旨 sole aim
To return to court leys seemed the only course left to her . 返回莱伊府第似乎是她的唯一出路
Her only chance was to destroy everything that might recall him . 她的唯一出路是毁掉会使她对他触景生情的每一件事物。
He behaved as if his only salvation was to drive things out of control and then bend the resulting chaos to his will . 他这样做就好像只有先把事情闹得不可收拾、然后再硬按自己的意志收拾残局才是他的唯一出路。
And the only way i can get to the tonight show 现在能让我赶到“今夜秀”的唯一出路
And the only way i can get to the tonight show 现在能让我赶到“今夜秀”的唯一出路
Praise the lord ! father is the only way 赞美上帝!圣父才是唯一出路
Your only option is to release your grip 唯一出路是松开你的紧握。
This is the oniy way to reach the gate 这是通向大门的唯一出路
The only way out is this bridge 唯一出路就是穿越这座桥
Then again they may find that a trade is the best and only option 事情终究是要解决的,交易是唯一出路。