- offend the most beautiful (girl); play down the beautiful in order to make the ugly more conspicuous; intrude a woman unceremoniously
- 唐突 rude; offensive; brusque
- 刻画无盐,唐突西施 insult a beauty with the picture of an ugly woman
- 刻画无盐唐突西施 insult a beauty with the picture of an ugly woman
- 唐突 [书面语] rude; offensive; brusque
- 西施 hsi shih; sai see; shih tzu; the eternal beauty; xi shi; xisi the beauty
- 唐突的 brusque; plumply
- 唐突地 abruptly; brusquely
- 榔西施 betel nut beauty
- 西施黑 xishi black
- 西施红 rosa zarzi; rossao ziarci
- 西施犬 shih tzu
- 西施舌 mactra antiquata; surf clam shell
- 西施眼 eyes of a beauty
- 不久, 简短, 唐突地 shortly
- 出言唐突 make a blunt remark
- 突然的,唐突的 abrupt
- 突然地, 唐突地 abruptly
- 突然地,唐突地 abruptly
- 言语唐突 brusque in speechsnippy
- 半面西施 half a beauty
- 豆腐西施 bean-curd queen; xishi
- 梦里西施 sai see in the dream
- 米西施文 missy schwen
- 西施佳雅 sassicaia
- 西施晚妆 xishiwanzhuang
- 唐突西施什么意思:
- 拼音:táng tū xī shī
- 注音:ㄊㄤˊ ㄊㄨ ㄒㄧ ㄕㄧ
唐突西施- 【解释】:唐突:冒犯。西施:春秋时美女,冒犯了西施。比喻为了突出丑的,而贬低了美...