- the tang books and records
- 唐代 the Tang Dynasty generation
- 典籍 ancient codes and records
- 典籍 (记载古代法制的图书; 泛指古代图书和重要文献) ancient codes and records; ancient books and records 唐代典籍 the tang books and records; 在我院图书馆里藏有许多典籍。 there are many ancient codes and records in the library of our institute
- 唐代 the tang dynasty
- 唐代奥 dondeo
- 唐代罗 dondero
- 唐代纳 dondena
- 唐代宗 emperor daizong of tang
- 典籍故章 ancient works [canons]
- 典籍浩瀚 a vast accumulation of ancient literature
- 唐代四科 the four medical departments in the tang dynasty
- 文献典籍 literature and ancient records
- 印度教典籍 hindu texts
- 宗教典籍 religious texts
- 中文古典典籍 chinese classic texts
- 古代中医药典籍 b. classical texts in chinese medicine
- 圣达尔马德唐代 saint dalmas-de-tendee; st. dalmas de tendee; st. dalmas-de-tendee
- 中国典籍与文化 chinese classics &culture
- 中国唐代文学学会 china society for tang dynasty literature
- 从敦煌佛曲看唐代禅宗的传播 the spreading of chan in tang dynasty viewed from the buddhist songs in duhuang
- 李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人 li bai was a tang poet of superb talent
- 在我院图书馆里藏有许多典籍 there are many ancient codes and records in the library of our institute
- 唐戴 tendeix
- 唐大无验 too exaggerative to check2
- 唐丹 dan tang; tandin; toni
- 唐大生 tang dasheng