- 哺乳期 lactation period
- 萎缩 wither; shrivel
- 哺乳期子宫萎缩 lactation atrophy of the uterus; lactation atrophy of uterus; lactation-atrophy
- 哺乳期 age of sucking; breast feeding period; lactation; suckling period
- 哺乳期妇女 breast feeding women
- 哺乳期脓肿 milk abscess
- 哺乳期乳房 lactating breast
- 哺乳期卫生 hygiene in breast feeding period
- 哺乳期仔猪 nursery-age pig
- 老年前期萎缩 presenile atrophy
- 哺乳期经神病 insanity during lactation
- 哺乳期静脉炎 galactophlebitis
- 哺乳期蹒跚病 lactation staggers
- 襁褓时期, 哺乳期 age of suckling
- 哺乳期低镁血症 grass tetany
- 哺乳期乳腺脓肿 milk abscess
- 乳腺哺乳期脓肿 lactation mammary abscess
- 妊娠和哺乳期普通饮食 general diet for pregnancy and lactation
- 并可在月经前或哺乳期间增大 tail of spence
- 可对哺乳期的婴儿产生损伤 rmay cause harm to breast-fed babies
- 哺乳 feed a baby at the breast; breast-feed; suckle; nurse◇哺乳纲 mammalia; 哺乳困难 dystithia; 哺乳类性 mammality; 哺乳瓶 nursing-bottle; 哺乳期 lactation period; 哺乳器 feeding bottle; 哺乳室 nursing room; 哺乳仔畜 suckling; 哺乳仔猪 suckling pig
- 断乳期 weaning stage
- 干乳期 dry period
- 离乳期 age at weaning; weaning stage
- 泌乳期 duration of lactation; lactation length; lactation period; stage of lactation