- 品种 breed; cultivated varieties; ...
- 内 inner; inside; within
- 繁殖 grow and multiply; propagate
- 细胞内繁殖 intracellular multiplication
- 品种内的 intravarietal
- 品种内嫁接 intergrafting
- 品种内杂交 intravarietal crossing
- 红细胞内繁殖周期 eruthrocytic cycle multiplication; erythrocytic cycle multiplication
- 在媒介昆虫内繁殖 multiplication in vector
- (名词)品种;(动词)繁殖 breed
- 品种繁殖 variety breeding
- 种,品种,繁殖 bread
- 品种内异系交配 incross
- 品种内异系交配体 incross
- 品种内异系杂种 incross bred; incrossbred
- 种内 [生物] intraspecific◇种内杂交 intraspecific hybridization; intraspecific cross
- 繁殖 [生物学] breed; reproduce; propagate; multiply 自我繁殖 self-reproduction; autosynthesis; 牲畜繁殖 breed livestock; 多数植物靠种子繁殖。 most plants reproduce by seeds. 它们每年繁殖两次。 they breed twice yearly. 兔子繁殖迅速。 rabbits propagate [breed] rapidly
- 品种 1.[生物学] breed; cultivated varieties; strain; variety 优良品种 improved breeds; 许多菊花品种 many varieties of chrysanthemum; 苹果的新品种 a new variety of apples2.(产品种类) variety; assortment 货物品种齐全 have a good assortment of goods; 增加花色品种 increase the variety of colours and designs; 品种纯度 purity of variety; 品种更新 seed replacement; 品种检定 variety certification; 品种鉴定 identification of variety; 品种齐全 great variety of goods; 品种试验 variety test; 品种特性 breediness; 品种特征 varietal characteristic; 品种提纯复壮 variety rejuvenation; 品种退化 variety degeneration; variety degression; 品种征集 variety collection; 品种证明书 species certificate; 品种资源 variety resources; 品种资源库 species bank
- 种内的 intraspecific
- 军种内的 intraservice
- 种内变异 intraspecific variation
- 种内差异 intraspecies difference; intraspecies variation
- 种内斗争 intraspecies combat; intraspecific competition; intraspecific struggle
- 种内分化 intraspecific differentiation