The fresh shrimp dumplings and sharkfin dumplings , taste good and makes you want to eat more 新鲜出炉的虾饺和鱼翅胶,味道清甜,爽口弹牙!
Put the shark s fins into a saucepan . steam the dried scallop till tender , pour together with the soup over the shark s fins , boil for a while , transfer to a plate , sprinkle with minced ham 用葱丝姜末呛锅,放清汤调料和鱼翅,烧开后倒入砂锅,移微火炖20分钟,放油菜心上即可。
Media people were held in a reception area with a drink and watched a laser light show as the guests were served with roast suckling pig , marinated jellyfish , spring roll and fried sharks fin with crabmeat and egg 传媒工作人员在一旁的招待处喝着水和看着激光表演而来宾则享用烧猪,腌水母,春卷和鱼翅炒蟹肉及鸡蛋。
Media people were held in a reception area with a drink and watched a laser light show as the guests were served with roast suckling pig , marinated jellyfish , spring roll and fried sharks ' fin with crabmeat and egg 传媒工作人员在一旁的招待处喝着水和看着激光表演而来宾则享用烧猪,腌水母,春卷和鱼翅炒蟹肉及鸡蛋。
Our love for rare and luxury fisheries products such as wild caught reef fish , abalone , sea cucumber , lobsters and sharks fin have lead to unsustainable fishing practices in many countries , driving many such marine species to the edge of extinction 我们嗜吃贵价和稀有的海鲜,包括野生珊瑚鱼鲍鱼海参虾和鱼翅等,不仅致使许多国家采取不符合可持续原则的方式捕鱼,更导致上述海洋物种濒临绝种边缘。
A marine awareness survey , conducted by tns and released by wwf today confirms the importance of seafood to local people , exposes why humphead wrasse and shark fin are consumed , and reveals a strong desire to reduce the environmental impacts of seafood consumption 世界自然基金会今天公布委托tns进行的海洋意识调查结果,显示海鲜在本地市民心目中占重要地位,并揭示市民食用苏眉和鱼翅的原因。调查亦发现市民极希望缓减因食用海鲜而对环境所构成的影响。