

  • sumi-e



  • 例句与用法
  • It has two sections discussing questions of accounts framework and total amount indicators of sustainable development respectively
  • The production and development of intellectual economy depend on the storage and construction of human capital as well as the efficiency and total volume which human capital can offer
  • In first part , the relevant theories of industrial economics and input - output analysis are applied to discuss how to decide the industrial structure based on the qualitative and the quantify research
  • Abstract : in order to implement the goal of 2000 on total control and meet the requirement of discharging standard , in shengli oilfield , a total control plan on wastewater discharging is set down , and method on monitor and surveillance is implemented . they take measures to treat and utilize industry wastewater , especially on reinjection of production wastewater . the ratio of recycling is above 90 % . measures are also taken to disposal wastewater from every industry
    文摘:为实现2000年达标排放和总量控制目标,胜利油田的经验和做法是:制定了污水排放总量控制计划、总量控制监测及监督考核办法;认真搞好工业污水治理和综合利用,重点抓好采油污水的回注,使回注率大于90 % ,并对各行业污水治理制定了措施。
  • Kn , tp and cod of the surface water of them are several times greater than the critical values of types v , the worst level of water . ( 2 ) spatial variations of n and p pollution have been observed , as the creeks in different places accepted different types and amounts of pollutants . affected by domestic sewage , the creeks nearby residential areas were often heavily polluted by nh4 + and p . the creeks in agricultural fields were more easily polluted by no3 - than by nh
    ( 2 )由于受纳污染物类型和总量上的差异,香花桥镇水网中小河流氮磷污染程度还存在明显的空间分异:居民区附近的小河流受nh _ 4 ~ +和p的污染很重;主要受纳农田径流的小河流, nh _ 4 ~ +和p的污染较轻,但受no _ 3 ~ -污染的风险加大;养殖场附近的小河流, nh _ 4 ~ +和p常有突发性暴增的现象。
  • 推荐英语阅读
和总量的英文翻译,和总量英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译和总量,和总量的英文意思,和總量的英文和总量 meaning in English和總量的英文和总量怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
