- 咀嚼 masticate; chew; mastication
- 官 government official; officer ...
- 咀嚼 1.(用牙齿嚼食物) masticate; chew; mastication (作用) 食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。 chew your food well before you swallow it.2.(反复体会) mull over; ruminate; chew the cud; 咀嚼困难 bradymasesis
- 咀嚼剂,咀嚼片 chewable preparation
- 咀嚼,咬 chew
- 咀嚼,嚼碎 chew
- 咀嚼;三思 masticate
- 咀嚼的 biting; chewy; mandibulated; manducatory; masticatory; triturating
- 咀嚼锭 chewable tablet
- 咀嚼肌 chew; jugomaxillary muscle; masseter; masticatory muscles; masticatorymuscles; muscle of mastication
- 咀嚼剂 masticatorius; masticatory
- 咀嚼力 forces of mastication; masticatory force
- 咀嚼面 table surface
- 咀嚼僻 gnathology
- 咀嚼片 chewable tablets; icoc
- 咀嚼器 instrumenta masticandi; masticatory a aratus; masticatory apparatus; organ of mastication; organs of mastication; pharyngeal apparatus; trophi; trophus
- 咀嚼区 gnathal region
- 咀嚼式 biting and chewing type; chewing type
- 咀嚼胃 chewing stomach
- 咀嚼物 chawmasticatoryquid; quid
- 咀嚼型 biting type
- 咀嚼性 chewiness
- 咀嚼叶 masticatory lobe
- 咀嚼用 chewing
- 咀嚼症 chewing disease