Thomas chow , deputy secretary for the environment , transport & works , hksar Thomaschow ,环境运输工务局副秘书长周达明先生
We can use the land to create something and return it to the people and to make use of the opportunity to improve public access to the harbour - front 周达明表示,已实施多项交通管理措施,以减轻走廊沿线的交通挤塞情况,包括控制汽车数量和鼓励市民使用公共交通工具。
The bypass is a prerequisite for the introduction of erp in hong kong . " mr chow said another common suggestion was the removal of more buses from the connaught road corridor 周达明表示,绕道可令中环林士街天桥和东面的东区走廊连接起来,从而减少对该区的交通压力。
From there on , you have to hit the ground again . you have to travel on connaught road central and then harcourt road and gloucestor road in order to get to the other side of the island , " mr chow said 环境运输及工务局副秘书长周达明表示,拟建的中环湾仔绕道落成后,预计可长远纾缓港岛北岸的交通挤塞问题。
" if you have to stop and go , you consume a lot of gas and the vehicles would also produce more air pollutants and of course this is detrimental to the health of the public , " mr chow said . " and the other thing is noise 周达明表示,政府其实很希望能达致零填海的目标,但经过多月以来的谘询,也没有任何可行的零填海方案,可以兴建绕道来解决交通挤塞的情况。
" but the fact is that the road has to come up somewhere to link up with the iec , so we will need at least some reclamation to build that link from the bypass to the iec , " mr chow said . " another thing is that for the bypass to be effective , we have to provide some exits and entrances in causeway bay and wan chai 周达明表示,希望专家可提出建议,在确定有交通需要的情况下,向共建维港委员会提出意见,以便中环湾仔绕道的走线和建造方式得以尽快落实,并研究以何种方式令填海面积减至最少和优化湾仔及铜锣湾一带海滨。