周期性 periodicity; cyclicity检修 examine and repair; overhaul ...周期性检测 periodic check周期性检查 periodic inspection; periodic test; periodical inspection; periodical test; periodicinspection; periodictest周期性检验 periodic survey; periodicsurvey生产性检修 productive maintenance预防性检修 maintenance, preventative (pm); preventive maintenance (pm); prophylactic repair周期性 periodicity; cyclicity 疟疾周期性发作 periodic attacks of malaria; 危机的周期性 the periodicity of crises; 景气状况周期性地出现。 booms run in cycle.; 周期性经济危机 periodic economic crises; cyclical economic crises; 周期性失业 cyclical unemployment 长期性;非周期性 secular无周期性,非周期性 aperiodicity检修周期 overhaul period; period inspection and repair; period of inspection and repairing; repair cycle; repair period拟周期 准周期性 quasi-periodicity周期的,周期性的 periodic暗隐周期性 hidden periodicity长周期性 long periodicity殆周期性 almost periodicity地震周期性 earthquake periodicity多周期性 polycycle发育周期性 growth periodicity非周期性 aperiodicity; non-periodicity; secular非周期性摆 aperiodic pendulum非周期性的 acyclic; aperiodic aerial; no eriodic; non periodical; noncyclic; non-periodic光照周期性 photoperiodicity光周期性 photoperiodicity/photoperiodism; photoperiodism核周期性 nuclear periodicity
To carry the unit faults diagnose system and change traditional plan periodic repair mode into the combination of plan repair with state repair , it will greatly reduce production cost and then enhance the competition ability of power plant 而对机组进行故障诊断,改传统的计划周期性检修 为计划性检修与状态检修相结合,就可大大降低生产成本,从而提高电厂的竞争能力。