- 吸虫 fluke; trematode
- 全盘 overall; comprehensive; whol ...
- 全盘类 holostomes
- 前后盘类吸虫 paramphistomes
- 全盘 overall; comprehensive; wholesale 全盘否定 total repudiation [negation]; negate totally; negate everything (uncritically); completely to negate [repudiate]; 全盘措施 comprehensive measure; 全盘招供 come clean; 全盘接受 total and uncritical acceptance; 全盘托出 make a clear breast; 全盘西化 wholesale [total; complete] westernization; 我们必须全盘来考虑这些事情。 we must consider these matters as a whole.; 全盘电气化 full electrification; 全盘管理系统 total management system; 全盘自动化 fully automation
- 磁盘类 disk
- 光盘类 disc
- 冷盘类 chinese meal menu
- 始盘类 eodiscid
- 司盘类 spans
- 全盘的 across-the-board; across-the-broad; catholic; comprehensive
- 吸虫 [无脊椎] fluke; trematode 肺吸虫 lung fluke; 肝吸虫 liver fluke; 血吸虫 blood fluke
- 百战天虫全系列 worms
- 磁盘类程 disk class
- 磁盘类存储 disk type store
- 键盘类型 keyboard type; keyboardtype
- 陆地胎盘类 land placental
- 买卖盘类别 type of order
- 无胎盘类 implacentalia
- 硬盘类型 hard-disk type
- 有胎盘类 placentalia
- 圆盘类型 disc
- 全盘措施 comprehensive measure
- 全盘电气化 full electrification
- 全盘否定 totally repudiate