外资 foreign capital; foreign investment; foreign funds 吸引外资 attract foreign funds; 外资产业 enterprises owned by foreign capitalists; enterprises run with foreign capital; 外资公司 corporation with foreign capital; 外资流入 foreign capital inflow; 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise; foreign-invested enterprise; 外资银行 foreign bank
吸引 attract; draw; fascinate; appeal to 吸引注意力 attract attention; 吸引外资 attract foreign investment; 对观众很有吸引力 have a strong appeal to the audience; 这个小孩被小说的情节吸引住了。 this child was fascinated by the plots in the novel.; 吸引力 attraction; alliciency; lure; relish; pazazz; attractive power; gravitation; 吸引器 aspirator; suction units; suction