- 后 behind; back; rear
- 颅 cranium; skull
- 窝 nest
- 肿瘤 tumour; core; neoplasm; phym ...
- 后颅窝 posterior fossa
- 后颅窝血肿 hematoma of posterior cranial fossa; posterior fossa hematoma
- 后颅窝牵开器 posterior fossa retractor
- 后颅窝咬骨钳 bone rongeur for posterior fossa
- 颅后窝肿瘤 tumor of cerebellar fossa; tumor of posterior cranial fossa
- 中脑窝肿瘤 middle fossa tumor
- 后颅窝脊髓造影摄片 myelogram of posterior fossa
- 总结创伤性后颅窝血肿 thpf
- 颅窝,颅凹 cranial fossa
- 无后颅 notancephalia
- 鼻咽窝肿胀 swelling of nasopharyngeal fossa
- 他的腋窝肿大 there are some swellings in his armpit
- 肿瘤 tumour; core (绵羊体内的); neoplasm; phyma 恶性肿瘤 malignant tumour; 良性肿瘤 benign tumour; 肿瘤抗体 tumour antibody; 肿瘤免疫 tumour immunity; 肿瘤普查 cancer screening; 肿瘤形成 neoplasia; oncogenesis; tumorigenesis; 肿瘤学 oncology phymatology; 肿瘤学家 oncologist; 肿瘤医院 tumour hospital
- 后颅凹牵开器 occiput reader; occiput spreader
- 扩大中颅窝底入路 lateral extensive middle fossa approach
- 后颅凹受压综合征 posterior fossa compression syndrome
- 损伤后颅内出血 intracranial hemorrhage following injury
- 损伤后颅内血肿 intracranial hematoma following injury
- 扩大中颅窝经岩前入路 extended middle fossa anterior transpetrosal approach
- pringle肿瘤 pringle tumor
- 癌肿瘤 cancer