- simultaneous instruction system
- 同时 at the same time; simultaneo ...
- 同时指指令系统 simultaneous instruction system
- 宏指令系统 macroinstruction system; macroinstructionsystem
- 巨指令系统 system macroinstruction; system, macroinstruction
- 声指令系统 acoustical command system
- 指令系统 code repertoire; command system; instruction repertoire; instruction repertory; instruction set; instruction system; instructon set; order set; repertory instruction; set of instructions
- 指令表, 指令系统 code repertory
- 指令系统, 指令表 instruction repertoire
- 指令系统, 指令集 order set
- 指令组;指令表;指令系统 set of instructions
- 变长指令系统 variable-length instruction set
- 浮点指令系统 floating-point instruction set
- 复杂指令系统 cisc; complex instruction set
- 基本指令系统 basic instruction set
- 机器指令系统 machine instruction set
- 简化指令系统 risc
- 交互指令系统 interactive instruction system
- 精简指令系统 ris reduction instruction system
- 可写指令系统 wis
- 扩充指令系统 extended instruction set
- 螺距指令系统 pitch order system
- 逻辑指令系统 logic instruction set
- 商和指令系统 commercial instruction set
- 数字指令系统 digital command system
- 速率指令系统 rate-command system