- 吊挂 hang; suspend
- 载重 load; carrying capacity
- 双钢索吊挂载重 two-cable sling load
- 外挂载重试验 external load-carrying trial
- 外挂载重直升机 externally loaded helicopter
- 挂载 mounting
- 挂载点 mount point; mounting point
- 载重 load; carrying capacity 这艘船载重多少? what's the carrying capacity of this ship?; 载重车辆 load-carrying vehicle; 载重船 general cargo; 载重吨(位) deadweight capacity; deadweight tonnage; 载重量 dead weight capacity; load capacity; 载重轮胎 high-capacity tyre; lorry tyre; truck tyre; 载重能力 lifting capacity; loading capacity; 载重平板车 heavy-duty bogie wagon; 载重汽车 autotruck; motorlorry; straight job; truck; lorry; motor truck;camion; 载重试验 loading test; 载重拖车 truck trailer; tandem; 载重物 load
- 吊挂带 straphanger
- 吊挂的 hanging
- 吊挂点 sling point
- 吊挂端 hanger suspension end
- 吊挂件 hanger
- 吊挂箱 overhead bin
- 不平衡挂载 non-balanced loading
- 挂载磁碟 mounted volumes
- 挂载光盘 cdrom; dev; mnt
- 挂载类型 mount options
- 挂载软盘 dev; mnt; mount -t vfat
- 解除挂载 unmount
- 外挂载弹量 external bomb load
- 系统挂载点 filesystem mount point
- 正在挂载 mounting
- 作战挂载 combat load
- 正在解除挂载 unmounting