吃饭 1.(进餐) eat; have [eat、take] a meal 请客吃饭 invite sb. to dinner; 我想吃饭。 i feel like a meal.2.(指生活或生存) keep alive; make a living 靠工资吃饭 live on one's wages; 不要靠老资格吃饭! don't live on your seniority! 我看我们就是要靠精耕细作吃饭。 in my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves
The diners too, the most prosperous of londoners, had a peaked and shabby look . 来吃饭的人也是这样,最富裕的伦敦人,都有一副憔悴的寒酸相。
Indeed, dave was so proud of his mincing imitation that phyl looked round to see if the other diners were listening and thinking he spoke with his real accent . 德夫自己对他模仿的那种腔调非常满意,菲儿转过头去看看其他吃饭的人是否听着以为这是他的原说话声调。
" the man who shared my food turned against me . “同我一起吃饭的人要反对我。 ”
As a guy who used to sling bullshit for a living , 一个靠吹牛吃饭的人
One who frequents another ' s table ; a hanger - on or parasite 食客经常到别人那儿吃饭的人;食客或寄生者
Who won ' t forget those of us who need work on his pictures .我们之中谁也不会忘记那个要靠电影吃饭的人
It ' s very important to express your gratitude to the people who have cooked for you , or have invited you to a meal 向为你做饭的人或者邀请你吃饭的人表示感谢是很重要的。
I speak not of you all : i know whom i have chosen : but that the scripture may be fulfilled , he that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me 我这话不是指著你们众人说的我知道我所拣选的是谁现在要应验经上的话、说、同我吃饭的人、用脚踢我。