- justice and police department
- 司法 administration of justice; j ...
- 和 mix; blend
- 警察 police; policeman
- 部 part; section; division; reg ...
- 司法和警察部长 head of justice and police department
- 国防和警察部长 defence and police minister; minister of defence and police
- 内政和警察部长 interior and police minister; minister of the interior and police; secretary of state for the interior and police
- 警察部 department of police
- 警察, 警察部队 police force
- 警察部长 minister for police; minister of police; police minister
- 警察部队 police service; the police force
- 和警察的枪战 shootout with police
- 国家警察部队 force of national police
- 皇家警察部队 royal ulster constabulary
- 警察部队司令 commander of the police force
- 警察部队条例 police force ordinance
- 警察部队总监 inspector general of the police force; inspector-general of the police force
- 人民警察部队 people's police forces
- 特别警察部队 fuerzasdetareaespecial
- 特种警察部队 specialized police force
- 武装警察部队 armed police forces
- 查斯基、母亲和警察 tsatsiki, morsan och polisen
- 法律和警察条例 laws and police regulations
- 司法和准司法机构 judicial and quasi-judicial bodies
- 公司法和条例 corporate laws and regulations