可见 1.(可以看见; 可以想见) it is thus clear [evident; obvious] that 这么明显的错字他都没看出来, 可见他很粗心。 the character was obviously wrong but he didn't pick it out. it shows how careless he was. 只有几个学生通过了考试, 可见考题是很难的。 only a few students passed the exam, so you can see that the paper must have been extremely stiff.2.[光学] (看得见的) visible; visual; 可见标志 visible mark; 可见度 visuality; [物理学] visibility;可见范围 [等离子] visible range; 可见方位 [航海学] visible bearing; 可见幅射 visible radiation; 可见光谱 visible spectrum; 可见显示 visual display; 可见信号 visual signal; [物理学] visible signal
If the range of frequencies being absorbed spreads across the visible, the object w ill appear black . 若被吸收的频率范围扩展到整个可见区,那么物体将呈现黑色。
The decrease may be due to washing out of fluoroprobe , but this was not an obstacle to its further use ; the quantitative information ( fo i f ) did not change significantly , where f0 and f are the fluorescence intensities in the absence and in the presence of oxygen , respectively 在现场测试中,光纤氧传感探头可直接进行溶解氧的原位监测。由于所使用的荧光分子探针的激发光谱在可见区范围,光源的体积得以减小,达到了实现整体仪器的微型化的目的。
The main content and important results of this thesis are as following : a series of er + - doped borosilicate glasses were prepared by varying the composition . absorption spectra of four glasses were measured . 1 . 51uminescence under the excitation of a 978nm ld and visible luminescence with a 488ar + laser were observed 测量了样品的吸收光谱,在978nmld低功率激发下,均观测到了系列玻璃样品中er ~ ( 3 + )的1 . 5 m近红外发射,在488nmar ~ +激光激发下,观测到了可见区发光。