His character could best be described as odious . 他的人格用可憎来形容最贴切。
His table is detestable . 他的餐桌是可憎的。
All give him a hideous and unnatural appearance . 这一切都使他显出一副可憎恶的和不自然的模样。
I was glad to get out of the detestable presence of the cook and to be off my feet . 离开那个可憎的厨子走出来,是我所求之不得的。
He stared at the object of discourse, as one might do at a strange repulsive animal . 他就盯着这个谈话的对象,象是盯着一个古怪可憎的野兽一样。
But he handles his pathetic characters with an acute sympathy, and his obnoxious ones with acute distaste . 不过,他同情笔下可怜的人物,鄙夷可憎之徒
The old detestable world of tension had passed away at last, his soul was strong and at ease . 从前那可憎的紧张状态最终已经过去了,他的灵魂坚定而自若。
Sorrow camea gentle sorrowbut not at all in the shape of any disagreeable consciousness . 悲愁,一种不太历害的悲愁,终于来临了,但并不是以任何令人觉得可憎的形式出现的。
Then, as butler strolled to and fro in this, to him, objectionable room, cowperwood drove rapidly away . 然后,柯帕乌急忙乘车出去,巴特勒就在他觉得可憎的这个房间里踱来踱去。
They were examples of humility and kindness shining amidst a vile and loathsome mass of hypocrisy, arrogance, and cant . 她们谦逊善良的范例,在一群虚伪、傲慢、邪恶、可憎的人当中发出光芒。