Make sure it is bootable and no ip address has been configured 确保它是可引导的,而且还没有配置ip地址。
Knoppix is a bootable cd Knoppix是一个可引导的cd 。
The small partitions dedicated to apple disk drivers are not bootable 专门留给apple的硬盘驱动程序的那些小分区并不是可引导的。
Small , bootable linux and your apps all on a single cd - try it , you ll like it 小型、可引导的linux及您的应用程序全部置于一张cd上试试看,您也会爱上它
Knoppix , which is a complete bootable linux on a cd , has become my rescue disk of choice Knoppix是在一张cd上完整的可引导的linux ,我选择它作为急救盘。在
It must have a partition formatted as a primary partition of type 0x41 prep boot bootable 它必须有一个分区被格式化为可引导的0x41 prep boot类型的主分区。
" developerworks , april 2002 shows how to set up multiple bootable linux instances on a single machine ”展示了如何在一台机器上设置多个可引导的linux实例。
Is a bootable linux environment that can serve many roles for a technician or network administrator 是一种可引导的linux环境,可为技术人员或网络管理员等众多角色提供服务。
Knoppix packages a specialized and highly useful linux distribution on a single , bootable cd - rom Knoppix将一个专门的、非常有用的linux分发版打包在了一张可引导的cd - rom上。
A bootable cd installs the operating system linux and all necessary grid middleware security software packages 我们使用一张可引导的cd来安装操作系统( linux )和所有必须的网格中间件安全软件包。