The realizing of matrix in graph theory 图论中矩阵的可实现性
This means there is a realistic prospect of integrating quantum computers with conventional ones 这就意味着常规电脑同量子计算机整合的前景有了可实现性。
The accuracy and realization of the scheme affects the performance of the whole system directly 其设计的思路是否正确以及可实现性直接影响到今后整个系统的可实现性及性能。
The emulation result shows that the algorithm presented possesses low complexity in implementation as well as high precision 仿真结果验证了所提出的算法不仅具有低复杂度的可实现性而且有很好的精度。
The analysis on the contents of the educational aims mainly discuss about the feasibilities and the abilities of its bearer 对内容方面的分析主要是探讨国家教育目的的可实现性和承担主体(学校)的能力界限。
Then taking advantage of database er model and restricted chinese language , we can greatly enhance the feasibility of query interface 在自然汉语理解中结合受限汉语和数据库er模型,可大大增强查询接口的可实现性。
The realizable k - model is more reasonable in the chamber simulation on the common condition for its little computation amount 可实现性k -双方程模型因其计算量小,耗费机时少,所以在一般的计算条件下用于炉内模拟更为合理。
( 2 ) the communication flow and network topology are deeply analyzed . the realizability of number portability and the all - one - number are discussed ( 2 )对sip的通信流程和通信结构进行了深入分析,讨论了号码移动性和一号通的可实现性。
By the comparisons with other similar research works , the advantages of the approach in terms of applicability , correctness and practicality were illustrated 与同类研究工作比较,该方法在适用性、正确性和可实现性等方面具有一定的先进性。
In this paper , the controller design is carried out in discrete - time domain , which can benefit from a direct implementation in practical application 此外,本文中控制器的设计基于离散时阈,此方法比传统的连续时阈设计方法具有更好的硬件可实现性和更广泛的应用性。