- 可 approve
- 压 press; push down; hold down; ...
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 系数 coefficient; ratio; modulus; ...
- 不可压缩性系数 coefficient of incompressibility; modulus of incompressibility
- 可压性 compacting properties; compressibility; crushability
- 不可压性 incompressibility
- 可压性蔗糖 sugar compressible; sugar, compressible
- 可压缩系数 coefficient of compressibility
- 安定性系数 stability coefficient
- 变异性系数 coefficient of variability
- 操纵性系数 maneuverability coefficient
- 常性系数 stability coefficient
- 触变性系数 coefficient of thixotropy
- 磁粘性系数 magnetic viscosity
- 弹性系数 coefficient of elastic recovery; coefficient of elasticity; coefficient of expansion; coefficient of resilience; coefficientofelasticity; ec elasticity coefficient; elastic coefficient; elastic module; elastic modulus; elasticity factor; elasticity modulus; elasticty coeffucuent; module of elasticity; modulus of elasticity
- 动弹性系数 dynamic modulus of elasticity; dynamicmodulusofelasticity
- 动粘性系数 coefficient of kinematic viscosity
- 多变性系数 polytropen koeffizientpolytropic coefficient
- 反应性系数 reactivity coefficient
- 方向性系数 directivity factor; directivity of an antenna; pattern propagation factor
- 非弹性系数 inelasticity coefficient
- 非线性系数 nonlinear coefficient
- 分散性系数 specific dispersivity
- 辐射性系数 radiation coefficient