成份 c ingredients; compo composition; components; composition composition; constitution; e ingredients; f ingredients; formulation; g ingredients; h ingredients; i ingredients; ingredient---an element in a mixture or compound; a constituent; j ingredients; k ingredients; l ingredients; m ingredients; makeup; matter; o ingredients; part; q ingredients; r ingredients; reactant; s ingredients; t ingredients; u ingredients; v ingredients; w ingredients; x ingredients; y ingredients; z ingredients
句子 sentence 给句子润色 polish a sentence; 改写一个句子 recast a sentence; 清晰、 连贯的句子 a clear and coherent sentence; 把一个长句分成几个较短的句子 split a long sentence into shorter ones; 把两个句子并成一句 throw the two sentences into one; 句子成份 sentence element; member of a sentence