Along with that, it must be added, went a strong pedantic and antiquarian strain . 必须指出一股强烈的学究尚古风气也随之产生了。
The forests have departed, but some old customs of their shades remain . 林苑已经一去不回了,但是旧日林间树下一些古风,却仍然留存。
In music also bertha developed a taste for the half-known, the half archaic . 在音乐方面,伯莎也培养了一种欣赏那些半著名、半带古风作品的兴趣。
Lingixing gate was rebuilt on the site of itself 身置门前,当觉古风扑面,娟秀诱人。
They observe ancient custom and habits 他们遵守古风俗与习惯。
Alan : what about that place over there , " ye olde tea shoppe " 阿伦:上那边那家店子‘古风茶肆’好吗?
On modern weathering crust and palaeo - weathering crust of carbonate rock 论碳酸盐岩现代风化壳和古风化壳
There is no greater inequality than the egual treatment of uneguals 还没有写好近体的时候,不要写古风。古风是最难的。
Objectively , the author ' s point of view , therefore , cannot only be representative of the past but herald the future 因此,客观上唯物上说,本文作者说的并不能代表古风,更不能预示未来。
Perry s dad was an actor who starred in the old spice aftershave ad s , his mother was press secretary to canadian prime minister pierre trudeau 佩里的父亲也曾是一名演员,他出演过“古风”须后水的广告。佩里的母亲曾经是加拿大前总理皮埃尔?特鲁多的新闻秘书。