The other great greek who belongs to the classical period, is apollonius . 古典时期的另一伟大希腊数学家是Apollonius。
Before turning the page let us recall the readers that the classical period contributed much . 在翻过这一页之前让我们提醒读者,古典时期的贡献甚大。
The new hellenistic civilization produced a mathematics entirely different in character from that of the classical period . 这新的希腊的文明确实产生了与古典时期性质全然不同的数学。
The major sources of the material in this work can generally be identified despite our slim knowledge of the classical period . 书中材料的主要来源一般都能查到,尽管我们对古典时期所知甚少。
Throughout the classical period they believed that man does not create the mathematical facts; they preexist. he is limited to ascertaining and recording them . 在整个古典时期,他们相信数学事实不是人创造的,而是先于人而存在的,人只要肯定这些事实并记录下来就行了。
A study of women ' s bodies in classical greece 古典时期希腊妇女身体研究
Commentary on the public sphere of athens city in the classical age 述论古典时期雅典城市的公共空间
Analysis of the artistic features of the sculptures in ancient greece 希腊古典时期雕塑的艺术特色试析
The other great greek who belongs to the classical period , is apollonius 古典时期的另一伟大希腊数学家是apollonius 。
Topics and examples are chosen from a wide range of materials , from classical antiquity to today 而议题和例子的范围涵盖了古典时期到现代。