Competition and overlap among dialects of different origins and layers in their boundary regions 交界地带方言不同来源及层次语音成分的竞争与叠置
Spatial overlap analysis of regional diversity of agro - economic sustainable development in fujian province 福建农业经济可持续发展区域差异的空间叠置分析
On the content pane , as it will then manipulate the z - order of the components within the content pane ,因为它随后将处理内容窗格中组件的叠置顺序( z - order ) 。
The main characteristics of satellite images for the regional heavy rain are overlapping of the different cloud systems 在叠置区出现较强的由平流引起的非热成风涡度倾向(一2犷
In all plants except algae , the thylakoids overlap at intervals to form stacks , like piles of coins , called grana 在除了藻类的所有植物中,许多圆盘状的类囊体叠置成垛,称为基粒。
The most widely used cmp relationship types are stacked into one palette entry , and can be accessed by selecting the cmp relationship palette entry 将最广泛使用的cmp关系类型都叠置到一个调色板条目中,然后通过选择cmp关系调色板条目来访问它。
Considering that the chain length of a normal hydrocarbon increases by 2 . 52a with two carbon atoms , the alkyl chain is supposed to be tilted or interdigitated between inorganic layers 按每两个碳原子链长2 . 52 ( ? )计算,层间碳链可能是部分叠置的。
Vertically , a series of turbidite fans and fan deltas developed along eastern border of guxi contemporaneous fault zone and sandbodies were overlaped with each other 垂向上,沿东部边界孤西同生断裂带发育的一系列浊积扇和扇三角洲由于迁移摆动,砂体可以相互叠置连片。
Overlapping the maps , we will find that the east of mangai depression and the yiliping depression are the area where the high and over mature coal - type gases are mainly located 将不同时代的天然气成因类型预侧图叠置后发现,茫崖凹陷的东部和一里坪凹陷是高熟过熟阶段煤型气分布的主要区域。
Geochemical data of exploration such as fluorescence , acid - extracted hydrocarbon and methane all indicate that some tectonic heights , for example haijiao uplift appears as positive abnormal 新生代含油气盆地之下叠置了中生代和古生代的盆地和含油气层,巨厚的前第三系为油气提供了丰富的物质基础。