Mrs . li presented certificate and bonus to award - winning staff 黎总为获奖员工颁布发证书和奖金。
We will now give their diplomas 我们现在要发证书给
Trust sites , people , and publishers with credentials issued by the following certifying authorities 完全信任拥有下列发证机构所发证书的站点、个人和发行商。
Certificate will be issued for participant who completes all training tiers with attendance specified by the institute 申请人必须完成所有训练阶段及达到学院指定之出席率方可获发证书。
Privacy workshops exclusive for members will also be organized and certificates will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course 联会亦会为会员举办私隐工作坊,参加者并可获发证书。
For sports administrators we provide a four - month certificate course but you should be aware that this is designed for those who are in employment 体育管理提供四个月的发证书课程,但你必须知道这是为有工作经验的人设计的。
Data protection workshops exclusive for members will also be organised and certificates and souvenir of recognition will also be awarded to participants upon successful completion of the course 联会亦会为会员举办保障资料工作坊,完成工作坊之会员可获发证书及纪念品。
Attendence certificate and 9 cpd hours will only be awarded to participants with satisfactory attendence ( 100 % of the contact hour ) and at least 1 individual assignment handed in 成功完成课程( 100 %出席率及提交至少一份个人习作)的学员将获发证书,并获得9小时持续专业发展时数。
Participants children only who have successfully enrolled 3 sessions of the course will be awarded a certificate ; such certificate will be presented at the end of the 3rd session of the programme 证书:凡出席以上三节活动的小朋友将获发证书一张。证书会在第三节活动完结时颁发。
If these details are not supplied by you at the time that a certificate is due to be issued , then the certificate will be withheld , since our staff take no responsibility in rendering your chinese name into english 如果这些细节在发证书时没有提供,我们将不给证书,因为我们没有责任翻译您的中文姓名。