长期国库券 buono del tesoro poliennale; exchequer bond; long-term treasury bond; treasury bond
短期国库券 exchequer bill; kurzfristige staatsobligation; sb short bill; short term treasury bond; short-term treasury bill; short-term treasury bond; treasury bill (t. bill/bill); treasury bills(t-bills)
The recovering issued of the state treasury bond through 1981 in our country has possess the history of 20 years . for shanghai and shenzhen the two trading post established has also possess the history of over 10 years until now , and the stock marketplace is continuously developed in the norm 我国的证券市场,从1981年恢复发行国库券算起,已有20年的历史。沪、深两地交易所成立至今,也有10年以上,证券市场在不断规范中得到发展。