减少并发症发病率 lower the incidence of complications; 年龄发病率 age incidence; 近几年这种病的发病率大大降低了。 the incidence of this disease has dropped considerably in the past few years.; 发病率计算法 nosometry
The incidence of gallstones increases progressively with age . 胆石症的发病率随年龄而逐渐增高。
The incidence of this disease has dropped considerably in the past few years . 近几年这种病的发病率大大降低了。
The disease is infrequent, and this makes it impossible to determine its true incidence . 本病较为罕见,故无法确定其发病率。
Hypertension has been reported with widely varying incidence in embryonal nephroma . 据报导,高血压伴有胚胎性肾瘤的发病率变动极大。
Commonly a sporadic disease, actinobacillosis occasionally occurs in high incidence . 该病通常是一种散发性疾病,但偶尔也有高的发病率。
The correlation between skin cancer incidence and exposure to ultraviolet radiation is given in fig. 11-22 . 图11-22中给出皮肤癌发病率与暴露紫外线辐射之间的关系。
The morbidity and mortality of the host species is usually proportional to the number of cocidial cocysts ingested . 宿主的发病率和死亡率与吃进球虫卵囊的数目,通常是成正比的。
The fall in incidence of whooping cough in the very young is directly related to widespread immunization with suitability . 幼儿百日咳发病率的下降,是与广泛使用一种适宜的免疫法直接有关。
Continued exposure to sunlight of people whose skin is not strongly pigmented is related to an increased incidence of skin cancer . 皮肤色浅的人种,如果持续的暴露在太阳光线时,皮肤癌的发病率要增加。
There may be an association between ambient co levels and the incidence of myocardial infarction or sudden death, or the case-fatality percentages . 环境中一氧化碳含量与心肌梗塞发病率,或猝死率、或与致死病例百分比之间也许存在某种关系。