- 反馈 feedback; couple back; retro ...
- 力矩 force moment; moment; moment ...
- 力矩反馈 torque feedback
- 力矩反馈回路 torque feedback loop
- 力矩 [力学] force moment; moment; moment of force; torque 俯仰力矩 pitching moment; 合力矩 resultant moment
- 反馈 [电学] feedback; couple back; retroaction; tickling; back feed; recuperation; back-tracking; back coupling; return coupling 负反馈 negative feedback; 正反馈 positive feedback; 信息反馈给政府有关部门。 the information is fed back to the government department concerned
- 比力矩 torque gradient
- 冲力矩 impulsive moment
- 初力矩 initial moment
- 传力矩 carry-over moment
- 倒力矩 overturning moment
- 电力矩 electric dipole moment
- 动力矩 dynamic torque
- 端力矩 end moments; end monent
- 舵力矩 rudder force moment; ruddermoment
- 反力矩 counter torque; countertorque; opposing torque
- 分力矩 moment of components
- 风力矩 wind moment
- 浮力矩 buoyancy moment; moment of buoyancy
- 副力矩 secondary moment
- 负力矩 negative moment
- 合力矩 resultant moment of force; resulting moment
- 肌力矩 moment of muscle power
- 极力矩 polar moment
- 剪力矩 shearing moment