反应 1.(打针或服药所引起的症状) neaction 病人对药物的反应 patient's reaction to a drug2.(化学变化) reaction 放热反应 exothermic reaction;化学反应 chemical reaction; 碱性反应 alkaline reaction; 取代反应 displacement reaction; 酸性反应 acid reaction; 吸热反应 endothermic reaction3.(原子核受外力作用而发生变化) reaction 核反应 nuclear reaction; 热核反应 thermo-nuclear reaction4.(有机体受到刺激而引起的相应活动) reaaction 阳性反应 positive reaction; 阴性反应 negative reaction; 中性反应 neutral reaction; 过敏反应 [医学] allergic reaction5.(事情所引起的意见、态度或行动;反响) response; repercussion; reaction 反应不一。 reactions vary.; vary in reaction; 反应冷淡。 the response was far from warm. 大家对这部影片反应很好。 people responded very favourably to the film. 公众对我们所作出的努力反应极好。 the public has responded magnificently to our efforts. 听众对他的演说立即作出反应。 the audience reacted readily to his speech
It was a singularly inopportune moment to stage an antil-british demonstration . 在这个时候发动一场反英示威是极不合时宜的。
The anti - british propaganda gave ( ie caused ) much offence 反英宣传触犯了众怒
With some financial and military support the turks were able to to get the senussi to join the fight against the british 于是,在土耳其人的军事与财政支援下,塞努西又开始加入了反英阵线。
Germany and the turks both saw in the senussi the possibility of opening a second front against the british which would make it quite impossible for them to defeat the turks in damascus and palestine 随后在一战中,与土耳其人联手的德国人看到了塞努西教团有在英国人背后开辟一条反英第二战场的可能性,从而可以拉在大马士革与巴勒斯坦地位岌岌可危的土耳其一把。
Hsia moon was pregnant at the time and excused herself from taking park in the movement . then , in september 1967 , she quietly left for canada . it wasn t until two years later that she returned , after which she kept a distance from the film industry 石慧傅奇夫妇亦积极参与当年的反英抗暴,傅奇是斗委会第一批公布的成员之一,夫妇二人于一九六七年七月十五日凌晨二时在家里被拘捕,囚禁了一年多才获得释放